
quarta-feira, 11 de junho de 2014

Tashaki Miyaki - I Came

You know one of the reasons why it's fun to be running a thematically ambiguous blog is that you start to doubt your own ability to post a song named "I Came" without thinking about the myriad of different ways to ruin it with some overtly and offensivelly pornographic satanic black metal of one sort or the other.
There's a place for anything, I suppose. Childish innuendo aside, Tashaki Miyaki do seem to enjoy their loaded (eheh) lyricism here and there.
Childish innuendo really aside, this song is great. Upbeat, catchy, fuzzy rock with a warm 90's throwback and a dream-pop feel. Dug through their bandcamp and can't find the album that this song belongs to, maybe none at all, but I will be checking this band out further in the future. Check them out and check out their facebook page while you're at it.

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