Last weekend I had the privilege of attending the third edition of the Åbo Massaker fest in Turku, Finland. The set was headed by renowned names in the Finnish extreme metal scene, such as Black Dawn or Archgoat. It's not my objective to summarize the proceedings of the event (though I have to say that Archgoat fucking ruled!), but to call your attention to a new Finnish band, which is doubtlessly worthy of a look: I'm referring to Malicious. They opened the second day of the fest and were the only band I wasn't acquainted with. I have to say I was really impressed! They spew forth a solid mix of old school black/death/thrash, heavily reminiscent of 1980's or early 90's extreme metal. Despite their young age, inexperience and recurrent technical problems, they excelled the older and well-established Kill, from Sweden, who, even though I'm particularly fond of their records, presented a rather disappointing performance. Malicious, on the other hand, seem to be much more captivating live than in studio. Anyhow, check out their only demo in their Bandcamp and toss them a couple of coins.
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